Payment Method
PPS+ (Pay Per Share Plus) is an enhancement of the conventional PPS method, with an additional allocation of transaction fees. With PPS+, the pool pays the miners for each valid share they submit – like the pool is hiring them, and therefore miners will enjoy a stable payout. The pool bears all the risks of bad luck and orphaned blocks, hence a higher fee. Transaction fees will be allocated to miners by PPLNS as below.
PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares) is calculated by the proportion of miners’ hashrates in the pool’s total in the last N difficulty rounds, when a block is found. Transaction fees will be allocated to miners too. The pool charges a small fee for daily operation and maintenance. With PPLNS, miners’ payout is connected to blocks found. Miners may face unstable yields but in the long run they will enjoy higher payouts.
SOLO all block reward will be allocated to the miner who mined the block, The pool charges a small fee for daily operation and maintenance.
PPS+ Mode
Output | Block Reward | Transaction Fee(Flexible) |
Payment Method | PPS | PPLNS |
Fee Rate | 4% | 2% |
Calculation | Shares / Difficulty * Block Reward * (1 - Pool Fee) | Your Hashrate / Pool Hashrate * Reward * (1 - Pool Fee) |
Rule | Pay out every hour based on the current difficulty | Calculated by the share of users’ hashrate in the last 5 difficulty rounds when a block completes 6 confirmations |
PPS+ Mode
BTC | Estimated Daily Profit per 1 TH/s :0.00000054 BTC(about equal to PPS 98.18%) |
BCH | Estimated Daily Profit per 1 TH/s :0.00014032 BCH(about equal to PPS 96.07%) |
XEC | Estimated Daily Profit per 1 TH/s :1632.2782501 XEC(about equal to PPS 96%) |
LTC | Estimated Daily Profit per 1 GH/s :0.00146175 LTC(about equal to PPS 96.22%) |
DASH | Estimated Daily Profit per 1 GH/s :0.00010418 DASH(about equal to PPS 96.03%) |
HNS | Estimated Daily Profit per 1 TH/s :36.1140079 HNS(about equal to PPS 96.07%) |
KAS | Estimated Daily Profit per 1 GH/s :0.00461844 KAS(about equal to PPS 98.89%) |
Note: Daily Yield is an estimation of daily profit calculated by the data of the past 7 days and is not equal to actual profit. For reference only.
Output | Block Reward + Transaction Fee(Flexible) |
Fee Rate | 2% |
Calculation | Your Hashrate / Pool Hashrate * Reward * (1 - Pool Fee) |
Rule | Calculated by the share of users’ hashrate in the last 5 difficulty rounds when a block completes 6 confirmations |
Output | Block Reward + Transaction Fee(Flexible) |
Fee Rate | 1% |
Merged Mining
BTC | Mine BTC to Get FB (settled in PPLNS method) |
BTC | Mined 1 BTC and get 1 NMC for FREE. |
BTC | Mined 1 BTC and get 5 SYS for FREE. |
BTC | Mined 1 BTC and get 0.4 ELA for FREE. |
BCH | Mined 1 BCH and get 1 SYS for FREE. |
LTC | Mine LTC to Get DOGE (settled in PPLNS method) |
LTC | Mine LTC to Get BELLS (settled in PPLNS method) |
LTC | Mine LTC to Get LKY (settled in PPLNS method) |
LTC | Mine LTC to Get PEP (settled in PPLNS method) |
LTC | Mine LTC to Get JKC (settled in PPLNS method) |
LTC | Mine LTC to Get DINGO (settled in PPLNS method) |